Welcome to All by Hand! I design and create beautiful fused glass art that is both functional and decorative. All of my pieces are created one at a time. If you see something on this site or at one of my shows that you like I can reproduce that item or make it with your favorite colors. Please allow two to four weeks for delivery.
I am an advocate in the fight against Human Trafficking.
Human Trafficking is a horrible crime happening in the United States and around the world. Women, men, boys and girls are forced to be sex or labor slaves for profit. It is estimated that there are currently 500,000 people, mostly children, in the United States and 40 million globally being victimized by this crime. If you suspect a human trafficking situation call 888 3737 888 the National Human Trafficking Hotline.
I donate 25% of my glass sales to agencies fighting Human Trafficking
****When you are ready to order please call me at 313-407-4951 or email me at allbyhand313@yahoo.com You cannot checkout on this site.*****
You can also see some of my work on my Facebook Page All By Hand Glass Art
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